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"Quakers and a Punchbowl"

Walk 6 Penpol

Start Point: Penpol Car park

Distance: 2.9 Miles

Refreshments: The Punchbowl & Ladle


The Sixth walk in our series shows off some of the hidden gems of the parish, with the Quakers Meeting House being a real perk.


The walk has hill sections and open fields with many stiles. The surface is good, however caution should be taken after heavy rain. Cattle may graze in the fields, and as such it is important to follow the Rambler's Association advice on these sections.


Approximate walk time: 1.5 to 2 hours

"Quakers and a Punchbowl" starts at Penpol Car park, visiting Come to Good, Penlewey, Sandoes and Goonpiper before returning to the start. Directions are found in our Leaflet.


The Feock Trails aim to embrace our local heritage. Along the walks, you can access further information on an area by scanning one of the many Feock Trail signs. All our articles can be explored directly on our website by visiting QR: Explore the Past​


On this walk the following articles may be of particular interest:

Penpol Methodist Chapel

Feock Methodist Chapel

The Quaker meeting House

QR TestDebra Roberts
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Feock Parish Council, The Old Market Hall, Market Street, Devoran, TR3 6QA

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