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Vacancies on the Parish Council

Due to the resignations of Bee Robson (Feock ward) and Barrie Thomas (Devoran ward) there are now two vacancies on the Parish Council. Cornwall Council have advertised these and there have been no requests for an election and therefore the Parish Council can fill these by co-option.

If you are interested in joining a team looking after the Parish, please contact Debra, the Parish Clerk – see details below for more information and a copy of the co-option process is available here

There is so much to get involved in from reviewing planning applications, helping with making improvements to footpaths and recreation areas, highways issues and our wellbeing work to name but a few!

You will also be required to attend the Parish Council meetings which generally take place on the second Monday evening of the month in Devoran, you can also join other Committees such as Planning and Access & Amenities if you wish.

The criteria for becoming a Councillor is:

You must:

  • be a UK or Commonwealth citizen; or be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland; or be a citizen of another Member state of the European Union; and be at least 18 years old.

To be eligible to stand for an election for a particular parish, you must:

  • be an elector of the parish; or

  • in the past 12 months have occupied (as owner or tenant) land or other premises in the parish; or

  • work in the parish (as your principal or only place of work); or live within three miles of the parish boundary.

If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please send an email or letter with your application explaining why you would like to join the Parish Council and what you can bring, to the Parish Clerk by Wednesday 8th June 2022.

Please note, being a Parish Councillors is a voluntary position.

Contact details for the Parish Clerk:

Debra Roberts, Parish Clerk

Feock Parish Council, The Old Market Hall, Market Street, Devoran, TR3 6QA

Tel: 01872 863333

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Feock Parish Council, The Old Market Hall, Market Street, Devoran, TR3 6QA

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