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Council Services

The Parish Council provides a number of services to including: 


  • Maintenance of footpaths, bridleways and byways through an agreement with Cornwall Council

  • Maintenance and provision of parks and recreation areas and green spaces including Park-an-Gwarry Play Park, Retallack Field, Devoran Recreation Ground, Pengelly Meadows Recreation Area and Dyson's Field.

  • Maintenance and provision of bus shelters

  • Providing consultee comments on planning applications

  • Provision of Feock Neighbourhood Development Plan 

  • Cornwall Council Micro Library based in the Parish Council Office

  • Historic Reference Library located in the Parish Council Office

  • Bookswaps in Carnon Downs and Devoran

  • Funding for local groups via small grants scheme

  • Maintenance of Common Land and Village Greens in the parish

  • Feock Community Transport Scheme 

  • Provision of public access defibrillators

  • Prescription deliveries to residents 

  • Monthly email Connect newsletter and annual paper Connect newsletter

  • Monthly What's On Listing

  • Monthly Repair Cafe at The Hub Carnon Community Church

  • Wellbeing website with support information, calendar of events etc.

  • Wellbeing advice helpline 


Report a problem

Please contact the Parish Council Office if you have any comments to make regarding the Parish Council provided services above via


Cornwall Council are responsible for 

  • Rubbish and recycling

  • Health & Social Care

  • Council Tax

  • Planning and Enforcement

  • Parking restrictions (yellow lines etc.) and some car parks

  • Housing 

  • Benefits

  • Schools

  • Roads including pot holes


To report a problem directly to Cornwall Council visit their 'Report it' page  


We also have a FAQs page which may answer queries regarding which Council is responsible for an issue. 


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Feock Parish Council, The Old Market Hall, Market Street, Devoran, TR3 6QA

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